Sunday, July 3, 2011

Captain's Log, Day 13: Swords, Sprinklers and Other Sundries

          Summer is half over and I still haven’t finished my Ironman suit yet!!!!
          I also haven’t gotten out of bed today. Let’s hear it for laptops!!
          I’m thinking maybe I should document my plans for today and see how many actually happen. Let’s see…from what Nemesis and I have planned, there’s a Tron duel we want to re-fight, a fortress to build outside, a Nerf war scheduled, a water park to construct (three spigots, four splitters, approximately seven miles of hose, a tarp, a trampoline, and innumerable sprinklers…E-P-I-C), and a super-rocket to build for the 4th. Excellent! Sounds like some serious fun! Now let’s enter these activities into the program I wrote for predicting injuries and…whoa. It will be serious fun. I hope we have enough band-aids on hand.
          We might also end up recruiting the girls and playing Robin Hood or Pirates of the Caribbean or something along those lines. Quill got a new bowstring recently and I’m sure she would love to try it out. As for me, I’m going to make sure she has plenty of targets to choose from and attempt to keep the conversation away from the Noodle Incident. And get a decent shield, too.
          I can’t wait for tomorrow and the day after. Tomorrow, we get to set off all of our fireworks (some of dubious legality, HA), and the day after that Nemesis and I make a fleet of paper boats, load them with fireworks, set them alight and sail them on the pond. We make sure the parental unit isn’t watching, of course…do we look like idiots? Don’t answer that.
          Nemesis and I also have an antique typewriter that we’re restoring. Picked it up for fifty cents at a church festival (the Curiosity Shop rocks!) and now we leave each other threatening messages, such as “Beware the Eyes of March…” YES, I said Eyes, not Ides. Interestingly enough, this find coincided with our watching the old detective show Columbo. Just FYI.
          Oh, and if Mythbusters is on, we might get some more “creative” ideas. I might change my motto to “I try it at home!” 

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